“Erasing The Liberty” Presentation & Book Signing This Thursday


Authors Phil Tourney and David Gahary will be holding a presentation and book signing for their book Erasing The Liberty on Thursday, September 14th starting at 5:00 pm at the Fraternal Order of Eagles, 88 North E Street in Green River.


On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty was attacked by aircraft and torpedo boats, killing 34 sailors and Marines, and wounding 174 servicemen. Heavy damage was incurred as thousands of rounds of armor piercing bullets, hundreds of rockets, napalm and one torpedo strike penetrated the ship’s superstructure. The ship miraculously did not sink, due to the valiant efforts of the captain and crew.

Phil Tourney, eye witness survivor and highly decorated recipient of the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and other unit citations, accompanied by freelance writer and co-author David Gahary, will tell the haunting historical account of arguably the most decorated naval vessel in U.S. history.

WWB Bud Light

The presentation and book signing are free and open to the public. For more information or to purchase a book, contact David Gahary at 850-667-0344.