Black Butte student Rock Springs URA Volunteer of the Month


Kaleb Cheney, March Rock Springs Main Street URA Volunteer of the Month (submitted photo)

March 27, 2024 — Wyo4News Staff

Congratulations are going out to Kaleb Cheney, the Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) March Volunteer of the Month.

According to the URA press, Cheney, a senior at Black Butte High School, played a pivotal role in the preparations for the upcoming round of artwork in the Art Underground Gallery. He took on the job for his Eagle Scout project. Cheney is a member of Troop 86 of the Crossroads of the West Council, Jim Bridger District. He and fellow troop members obtained the necessary materials and supplies for the installations from local businesses. Cheney and the troop dedicated over 40 hours to the project, cutting and priming 22 new palettes in preparation for the artist’s creations.


Following his graduation in May, Cheney intends to embark on a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and then hopes to pursue a career in firefighting.

“Kaleb Cheney embodies the spirit of volunteerism and community engagement that we cherish in Downtown Rock Springs,” said Maria Mortensen, chairwoman of the Rock Springs Main Street/URA. “His initiative and drive serve as an inspiration. We are proud to honor Kaleb as our March Volunteer of the Month and extend our heartfelt gratitude for his invaluable contributions.”