Flaming Gorge Dam to increase water release, causing swift flows into the Green River


May 21, 2024 — Wyo4News

Beginning tomorrow, May 22, the daily average water release from Flaming Gorge Dam will increase. According to the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), larval razorback suckers have been identified in Reach 2 of the Green River. With the presence of larval razorback suckers, FWS has requested the implementation of the Larval Trigger Study Plan (LTSP) releases as identified in the Flaming Gorge Operational Plan May 2024 – April 2025. 


Be Aware and Use Caution

Recreationists on the Green River should exercise caution and be aware that the increased flows will be cold and swift. The Flaming Gorge Dam releases for the LTSP are currently planned to stay at ~6,600 cfs through the weekend and Memorial Day, pending hydrology. If any changes are needed to the schedule above, they will be implemented before COB Thursday, May 23.  

The following is the daily release increase schedule:  

DateLocal Time (MDT)Initial Release (cfs)Change (cfs)Final Release Change

The daily average release of 6,600 cfs will continue thereafter or until a new notification is issued.


The Bypass will be used at Flaming Gorge Dam to achieve releases greater than ~4,600 cfs in the table above. The hourly release schedule above is an approximation of releases. All data is provisional and is subject to change.

This data is considered the most likely scenario given the current forecast and is subject to changing conditions. Forecasted (tentative) hourly release schedules can be found by visiting the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (CBRFC). Â