Governor Gordon Announces More Agency Appointments

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CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  On Friday, January 8, 2019 Governor Mark Gordon announced his appointments for the Wyoming Department of Corrections and Wyoming Department of Family Services, as well as the acting director for the Wyoming Office of Administrative Hearings.

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The governor reappointed Robert O. Lampert as director of the Wyoming Department of Corrections. He has served as the director since 2003. Lampert is a Wyoming native and Marine Corps veteran with more than 45 years of experience in corrections, including military and state service. He retired from the Texas prison system in 1998 as a senior warden. He also worked as superintendent of the largest correctional facility in northwest Oregon and as assistant superintendent at Oregon’s only maximum-security institution before moving to Wyoming.

The governor has appointed Korin Schmidt as the director of the Wyoming Department of Family Services. She has served as the deputy director of the Wyoming Department of Health for the last seven years. She supported the Director in his function while directing support services for the entire agency. She also led the joint executive and legislative work group managing a $180 million health facilities construction project. Previously she served three years as the Deputy Administrator for the Public Health Division in the Wyoming Department of Health.

Sean Chambers will serve as the acting director of the Wyoming Office of Administrative Hearings after Jim Ruby decided to stay as the head of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Council (EQC). Chambers has been a Hearing Examiner at the Office of Administrative Hearings for seven years. He has presided over hearings for many state agencies. Previously, he was an Assistant Attorney General, and in private practice with a Cheyenne firm. He replaces Peter Froelicher, who was appointed by Governor Matt Mead to be a District Court Judge in Wyoming’s First Judicial District in December 2018.

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“After careful consideration, I have asked to continue as the executive officer at the EQC,” said Ruby, who has served as the EQC’s executive officer since 2008. “I was very honored that Governor Gordon asked me to take the helm of the Office of Administrative Hearings, but I feel that the EQC is a better fit for me.”

Gordon added, “I’m very happy that Jim has decided to continue with EQC, and I cannot think of anyone better suited for this important role.”

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