Granger Allowing Personal Fireworks After Display


The town of Granger, Wyo. is opening the town park for people to set off fireworks in a safe location on the Fourth of July.

People will be permitted to launch their personal fireworks at Veteran’s Park for approximately one hour following the town’s fireworks display. The display will be launched from Veteran’s Park by the Volunteer Fire Department with set up beginning at 7:30 and the event to take place at dark.

Crews from the fire department will remain at the park to supervise for about an hour after the show.

Fireworks are otherwise not permitted within Granger town limits.

In Sweetwater County, fireworks are only allowed on private land with the landowner’s permission. It is illegal to light fireworks within the city limits of Green River and Rock Springs. Fireworks are also not allowed on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service.