Killpecker Sand Dunes, Lots To See And Do


Located just 33 miles north of Rock Springs off Chilton Road lies one of my favorite places in Sweetwater County. The Killpecker Sand Dunes.

The Sand Dunes are an outdoor enthusiast playground.

From four-wheeling to camping they offer many great activities for people to enjoy. I have compiled a list of a few of my favorite actives to enjoy at the dunes.

For those with off road vehicles such as dirt bikes, four-wheelers or dune buggies the Sand Dunes offer hours of fun riding enjoyment. Me and my cousin have ridden them a few times on four-wheelers. Just be careful of the often hidden drop offs.

Pull out that old snow sled or snow board and shred the tall dunes. Sand sledding/boarding is another great activity that can be enjoyed at the dunes.

Camping is a great way to relax after a long day of playing in the sand. There is plenty of room to pitch a tent or park the camper for the weekend. My family enjoys camping on Steamboat Mountain just east of the Dunes.

View the wildlife. It is not uncommon to see a herd of elk or wild horses pass through the dunes. They provide many great photo opportunities.

Hiking is another great activity can can be done either at or near the dunes. One of my favorite places is again up on Steamboat Mountain. From the top you can see for miles in any direction.

Photography is another great activity that can be done at the dunes. From wildlife to Boars Tusk there are many great things for you to photograph.

These are just a few of the things I enjoy. There are many more fun times to be had out there.

Just remember to stay safe, and always drink plenty of water.

“I’m Tyler Mann, and I’ll see you on the trail.”