Memorial Hospital Announces New Mission Statement,Vision

MHSC Chief Financial Officer Tami Love leads one of five groups tackling various issues during a strategic planning retreat Monday, March 5, 2018, at the Holiday Inn in Rock Springs. Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County Photo/Deb Sutton


In a press release to Wyo4News, Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County announced their new mission state – Compassionate care for every life we touch.

On Wednesday, the hospital’s board of trustees approved the new mission statement along with updated vision and values based on suggestions from hospital staff members.

According to the release, during the meeting, Chief Nursing Officer Kristy Nielson told the trustees the hospital’s more than 500 employees were asked to submit their suggestions for the new philosophy. From those suggestions, executive leaders came up with what expresses the desire and commitment put forth by the entire hospital.

The vision: To be our community’s trusted healthcare leader.

The values: Be kind. Be respectful. Be accountable. Work collaboratively. Embrace excellence.

Trustee Ed Tardoni related his recent healthcare experience at the hospital. He said the care was just that – “they were kind, caring and compassionate,” he said.

Summing up the thoughts of most of the board members, trustee Marty Kelsey said he thinks “they’re great.”

Hospital leaders also are working on a strategic plan, setting goals for the next three to five years.

The entire MHSC leadership team, trustees and some community members met recently for a daylong retreat to begin the strategic planning process. About 50 people were divided into five different groups to tackle issues involving financial stewardship, patient experience, workplace experience, quality and safety, and growth and community. Those groups brought forth more than 30 initiatives that will serve as a template for the new strategic plan.

The MHSC five-member executive team will spend the coming weeks going through those initiatives and paring them down to a workable three- to five-year strategic plan to take to the board of trustees.

Those groups brought forth more than 30 initiatives that will serve as a template for the new strategic plan.

The MHSC five-member executive team will spend the coming weeks going through those initiatives and paring them down to a workable three- to five-year strategic plan to take to the board of trustees.