One Of The Many Wonders Of White Mountain



Many who have lived in the area for a while already know about one of the many wonders of White Mountain.

If you were to drive down Reagan Ave. past the Recreation Center and cross Summit Drive on the dirt road that heads up towards White Mountain, you will eventually arrive at a fenced-in water tank. Now, for me, I like to park near this tank and walk in. However, many like to drive up a little further. A short 10 minute hike up the canyon will take you to one of my favorite parts in all of Sweetwater County.

At the end of the canyon you will find a waterfall that is truly awe inspiring. Living in Rock Springs for 30 years, I have been to the waterfall many times. Whether it was for a hike when I was a Cub Scout or as an adult, it is one of my favorite spots.

The waterfall lies in a gorgeous canyon with aspen trees and that ever present sagebrush. The rocks that weep near the waterfall make it even more breathtaking. If you are lucky you may even see a deer or two.

One of the perks about the waterfall is that you are not able to see the town of Rock Springs which makes it nice knowing that you are away from the hustle and bustle of town. The rocks near the falls make a perfect chair for you to sit down and have a nice relaxing lunch. Or just take some nice pictures.

The falls are a great local spot to take a nice hike with the family. So, the next time the kids are “bored”, pack a few sandwiches in the trusty old backpack, grab plenty of water, and head on up to the waterfall. You will not be disappointed.

Be sure to always stay safe an take plenty of water.

“I’m Tyler Mann, and I’ll see you on the trail”.