Rocky Mountain Power will only be increasing rates to 8.3% instead of the 21.9% they originally wanted


Wyo4News staff, [email protected]

December 08, 2023 — Rocky Mountain Power testified to the Wyoming Public Service Commission about proposed rate hikes and a decision was made that there would be an 8.3% rate increase in rates which means $53.9 million for Rocky Mountain Power, versus $137 million that the 21.9% rate increase would have gotten them, according to the Wyoming Public Service Commission.

The Public Service Commission’s final written order is due no later than Dec. 29, and the 8.3% rate increase will go into effect Jan. 1, 2024. The decision of the Wyoming Public Service Commission was made due to testimony, exhibits, and comments from the public arguing against the proposed rate increase.

The Wyoming Public Service Commissioners will take up the second part of Rocky Mountain’s rate increase request for a 7.6% energy adjustment on Dec. 19th. Rocky Mountain Power could still file future requests for adjustments on any of the decisions the commission has made in the case if it can prove that the rates aren’t just and reasonable and that the commission did not take into consideration prudently incurred costs.

The issue that most people raised at the rate case hearing was the fact that most of them could not afford the 21.9% rate hike. Wyoming AARP Director Sam Shumway told the Wyoming Public Service Commissioners that people in Wyoming are already dealing with hyperinflation, and a rate increase of that magnitude at this time would only cause people’s financial difficulties to get worse. Director Shumway explained how people are already dealing with increased costs such as gas prices, property taxes, and the cost of groceries, gas, and medication.

Petroleum Association of Wyoming President Pete Obermueller, spoke about how the rate 21.9% rate increase would hamper oil and gas production, especially for the smaller producers that make up about one-third of Wyoming’s oil production.