State Bill to put video cameras at school crosswalks to be introduced



Wyoming State Representative Bill Henderson

January 24, 2023 — Press Release

A bill that authorizes the use of video systems on official traffic control devices to monitor pedestrian safety at school zone crosswalks will be heard today by the House Transportation, Highways, and Military Transportation Committee.  
H0068 School zone crosswalks is authored by Wyoming Republican Representative Bill Henderson. The bill will address safety concerns heard by stakeholders, community members, and the Wyoming Department of Transportation. 

“We must do everything we can to prevent further injuries and death at school crosswalks,” said Representative Bill Henderson, who represents District 41. “Raising awareness about crosswalk safety and impacting driver behavior cannot wait. This bill fights for students and families and will serve as a key tool to create safer crosswalks in Wyoming communities.”
The measure allows for video recordings between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. on days that school is in session. Drivers who fail to stop for pedestrians in school zone crosswalks during school hours could receive fines based on the video evidence.