Be Sure To Watch Your Step



With summer right around the corner there is one thing we can all be sure to begin seeing. Rattlesnakes. These slithering creatures are can be cool to see from a distance but if you happen to have a close encounter with one there are a few things you should know.



With all the time I have spent in the vast outdoors of this great state, I have only had the opportunity of coming across a rattle snake twice. Thankfully. Once a Midget Faded Rattlesnake while looking for a new duck hunting spot along the Flaming Gorge near Firehole, and once with a Prairie Rattlesnake while antelope hunting near the sand dunes. Neither time was a very thrilling experience.



The Prairie Rattlesnake and the Midget Faded Rattlesnake are the two types of Rattlesnakes that call Wyoming home.


The Midget Faded Rattlesnake is the most poisonous of the two snakes and calls the Flaming Gorge area its home. If you happen to see a Rattlesnake around, this is most likely the type of snake it is. Midget faded rattlesnakes are in danger of being driven out of the state entirely.



The Prairie Rattlesnake is much more common are lives is roughly two-thirds of the state and can be found generally east of the continental divide at elevations under 8,000 feet, in rocky outcroppings and short grass prairie. They are usually pale brown with darker rectangular patches on their back.


Rattlesnakes are able to control how much venom they release when they bite. They only strike when threatened, and if you’re not pestering them, they usually won’t deliver enough venom to seriously injure you.


If you are going to be out in the desert be sure to watch your step. If you are going to lift a rock, pull it towards you, always keep something between you and the Rattlesnake. As long as you are aware of your surroundings, and keep an eye out around you as you walk, you may have the chance to safely see one of these magnificent creatures. But be sure to keep a safe distance.


Remember to always stay safe out there.


“I’m Tyler Mann, and I’ll see you on the trail.”