Winter Safety Kits For Your Vehicle Or Snowmobile Trailers


With winter weather being so unpredictable in Wyoming, winter survival kits are a must have for the car or snowmobile trailer.

A winter survival kit can be kept in the back of any vehicle or in the corner of any trailer.

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Below is a list of items that, when placed in a tote and kept in the vehicle/trailer, will help save your life or the lives of your family and friends in a winter emergency.

  • A Small Collapsible Shovel
  • Window Ice Scraper, With Brush
  • Flashlight With Extra Batteries
  • Water
  • Non-Perishable Food
  • Energy Bars, Candy Bars
  • Extra Hats, Socks, Gloves, And Mittens
  • First Aid Kit
  • Pocket Knife
  • Necessary Prescriptions
  • Blankets Or Sleeping Bag
  • Two Chain Or Rope
  • Booster Cables
  • Extra Cell Phone Cable And Car Adapter
  • Distress Flag (Hunter Orange)

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When it comes to staying safe during the winter months, having a Winter Survival Kit will ensure the safety of yourself and family.

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