Wyo4news Rock Springs Student Spotlight – Christopher J. Johnson

Christopher J. Johnson – Student Spotlight

Wyo4news Staff, [email protected]

ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING (September 9, 2021) – Wyo4news Rock Springs Student Spotlight is Christopher J. Johnson. He is an 11th grader at Rock Springs High School.

Christopher was nominated by Kristy Johnson because he is a hard worker in school, work, or even at home.  

In school, Christopher’s favorite subject is history and his least favorite is math.

He looks up to his grandparents. His future plans are to join the military.

When Christopher has free time, he is usually working or playing games. His favorite quote is “Don’t bet with a man that has nothing to lose”.

Our Student Spotlight is brought to you by Aspen Mountain Medical Clinic.

Have a student you want to be featured in Wyo4news Student Spotlight, email the news team at  [email protected]  to find out how.