Former Rock Springs man charged by feds for stalking by mail


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Photo credit | News4 in Nashville, Tennessee

This story was taken from News4 in Nashville, Tennessee. All credit for this story should be directed to Carley Gordon from News4.

Tyler Johnson, [email protected] [VIA NEWS4 IN NASHVILLE)

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (December 31, 2020) — Federal investigators say they’ve charged a Tennessee inmate with mail stalking, after News4 helped shine a spotlight on a disturbing situation facing a Tennessee widow.

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Back in July, we told you how Nikki Goeser continued to get love letters from Hank Wise, the man who murdered her husband, even though he remains in jail for the crime.

“I want him to leave me the hell alone,” Nikki Goeser said.

On April 2, 2009, Cochran said Wise “shot and killed a man identified in the complaint as “B.G.” in front of his wife” at the Jonny’s Sports Bar in Nashville. In April 2012, Wise was convicted of second degree murder in Davidson County Criminal Court and subsequently sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Goeser showed us the love letters that continued to arrive at her old attorney’s office, even after Wise was put behind bars. Despite going to law enforcement and USPS, no one could help stop the letters, and that’s when she turned to News4.

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“I wasn’t going to give up, I think a lot of it had to do with going to the media,” says Goeser.

The Department of Justice agreed, picking up the case after News4’s original story.

“It came from channel 4, and you in particular Carley Gordon, gave us the tape as this case was going on, and then we had a victim who was being harassed,” U.S. Attorney Donald Cochran said.

Wise is now formally charged with stalking by mail. If convicted, he faces in federal prison and would not be eligible for parole.

“We won’t tolerate our victims being mistreated, whether it’s before the crime, during, or even someone who’s incarcerated and thinks they’re safe in prison where they could do this,” Cochran said.

Goeser says she’s relieved.

“It’s been very stressful. I can’t even being to tell you how many nightmares I’ve had, how many sleepless nights just worried.”

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