Young At Heart suspends program and begins drive-thru meal service


ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING (Mar. 16, 2020) — The Young At Heart Senior Citizen and Community Center has temporarily suspended their senior citizen activities and congregate lunch program.

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According to a press release: The programs will remain closed for a period of two weeks in an effort to prevent potential transmission of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and may be extended as more information becomes available. This suspension will not impact the Home Delivered Meals, In Home Services, or Home Health programs.

The Early Learning Center is currently operating with minimal children and staff.  Families have been asked to keep their children home or utilize their back up care plan at this time.  We are asking that all families continue to look for a back up care plan.  There will be no drop-in care and no tours being provided until further notice.

Community members are encouraged to watch Young At Heart’s Facebook page and other media outlets for updated information.

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During this closure Young At Heart will begin offering drive-thru meal service for those seniors who might otherwise eat at the facility. To participate in this service individuals must call and place their food order by 9 a.m. with the full names of all of those requesting a meal. Orders can then be picked up at noon by lining cars up by the entrance to the kitchen. Participants are asked to remain in their vehicles as the meals are delivered to them. All of those who choose to participate in this program will receive an invoice at the end of the month for all of the meals they received.

For further questions please contact Young At Heart at 307-352-6737.

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