Demshar appointed to replace Archuleta on College Board

Carl Demshar is sworn is as new Western Wyoming Community College trustee Thursday evening during the regular board meeting. (Wyo4News Photo/Ann Jantz)

By Ann Jantz, Wyo4News

ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING (Dec. 13, 2019) — Former Rock Springs mayor Carl Demshar is stepping into a new role — as Western Wyoming Community College trustee.

Demshar was chosen to replace Troy Archuleta, who resigned from the board in November to pursue his doctorate degree. Demshar’s appointment was approved unanimously by the trustees Thursday night at the regular board meeting.

New officers were also chosen Thursday. Trustee Regina Clark replaces Trustee George Eckman as president, Trustee Greg Erramouspe will take over Clark’s duties as vice president, Trustee Ken Lorimer retained his position of treasurer, and Trustee Veronica Donaldson will take over the secretary position.

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Clark thanked Eckman for the many years he served as president of the board and for the leadership he has shown throughout his years of service.

“You have always put students first,” Clark said.

Western’s President Kim Dale also thanked Eckman. She said she is grateful for Eckman’s confidence in her.

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