Do you believe a ground hog or a prairie dog on spring weather predictions?

Who are you going to believe when it comes to predicting the weather, Pennsylvania’s Punxsutaney Phil (left) or Wyoming’s Lander Lil (right)

ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING (Feb. 3, 2020) — Yesterday was Ground Hogs Day and in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania thousands gather to find out if the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil would see or not see his shadow signifying and early spring or six more weeks of winter weather for the nation.

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For those keeping track of such things, Phil did not see his shadow meaning the nation will have an early spring. But on Sunday in Lander, Wyoming, the prairie dog Lander Lil came to a different conclusion. After seeing her shadow, Lander Lil is predicting six more weeks of winter weather for the Cowboy State.

With today’s Winter Weather Warning in full effect for many places in the state… we are putting our money on Lander Lil’s prognostication powers, but hoping that Phil is correct.

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